Manual of Administrative Contentious and Procedural Law - Volume 1


Iván Mauricio Fernández Arbeláez
Universidad La Gran Colombia


In harmony with the denomination of the new Code that regulates your discipline (Law 1437 of 2011), this work was constructed in such a way that a first volume deals with the administrative process and the second volume with the administrative contentious process.

Regarding the first book, it is responsible for studying the principles of the administrative process, the instruments through which the public administration acts, the different stages that contemplate the administrative procedure (administrative action, publishing administrative acts and governmental channel), the enforceability of the administrative act and the invalidating defects of administrative acts.

The second book is introduced in the administrative contentious process; that is, the one that ventilates inside the Administrative Contentious Jurisdiction. In this work, we study the organic - functional structure of the Administrative Contentious Jurisdiction (organization chart, object of the jurisdiction and competences) and the administrative contentious process (principles, stages, resources and normal termination of the process), ending with the analysis of the different ordinary means of control that are processed in court (nullity of letters of nature, simple nullity, nullity and law restoration, direct, contractual, electoral and executive reparation, and coercive jurisdiction).

With this manual, it is sought that the law student, the litigant, the legal operator and, in general, students of this legal discipline, find an easy-to-read text; however, with demanding academic rigor, because the author is not limited to study the regulations and, as a consequence, to make simple personal comments, taking into account that he relies on jurisprudence and foreign law, in order to visualize the evolution of the different legal institutions that contemplate this area of ​​procedural law.

Author Biography

Iván Mauricio Fernández Arbeláez, Universidad La Gran Colombia

Graduated from and professor at Universidad La Gran Colombia, Armenia section. Specialist in administrative law and liability and compensable damages at Universidad Externado de Colombia.

He worked in the Governorate of Quindío as litigation lawyer in Administrative Litigation; head of the Disciplinary Affairs Office and Director of Internal Control of Management; he was assistant magistrate of the Administrative Tribunal of Quindío province; he currently holds the position of administrative oral judge of the Armenia city Circuit.

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Cover for Manual of Administrative Contentious and Procedural Law - Volume 1
November 20, 2018

Details about this monograph

ISBN-A (26)
Obra completa 978-95895353-5-6
ISBN-10 (02)
Volumen 1: 978-958-8510-56-9
Trade announcement date (10)